Thursday, July 14, 2011

...if I was the only one!

Why do we seem to so easily compromise our beliefs for the beliefs of the masses?

This thought came to me this morning while I was brushing my teeth...yes most of my "deep" thoughts seem to come when I am doing routine things and not really thinking about anything in particular. Maybe that is an indication that they are not really my thoughts...

I do think I need to check my beliefs when they differ from others: where did they come from; are they still important to me; what are they based on; has anything changed that would significanly impact my core belief system?

I have to ask myself this question...Are my beliefs, my beliefs or simply handed down beliefs from my parents or my church or someone I admire. Am I willing to compromise those beliefs when they are not convenient or become uncomfortable or differ from the masses? More truthful is because they run counter to what I really want to do or say. And if this is so then do I really believe?

I can't have one set of principles for myself and another set for others. Nor can I compromise my beliefs when it becomes uncomfortable to stand (alone) for what I believe in.

The Bible says "A double minded person is unstable in all his ways."

My Prayer: Lord, The Bible says You are a God who does not change. Your truth remains the same regardless of the situation or circumstance or my feelings, or what others believe. Give me the strength to stand, act and believe only-and-always on the truth of Your matter the cost.

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